Best Phone to Photograph the Milky Way

Smartphones are getting too expensive! So the challenge of finding a good smartphone for less than 500 bucks to photograph the Milky Way and be very good becomes easy if we don’t focus on the phone, and focus only on the camera. If you are really into photography my advice is to go for a real camera, it will make spins around any smartphone photographing the Milky Way. And keep your current smartphone. Or if you really need a smartphone, just get a cheap one. I love to use my smartphone to take photos, heck I love to make tutorials about smartphone photography! But I can’t really say to invest in a Smartphone when I know that the alternative is way better! A cheaper camera will give you more work, but better results! Results that you will be proud to post and print!
It will make spins around any smartphone photographing the Milky Way
I bought the Canon M100, that is around 350€. But I didn’t buy it new, so… it was 200€.
Smartphone cameras are so convenient, but over time I had some comments on my YouTube channel of misconceptions on how cameras work and especially on smartphones… If you learn a lot from this video and you realize that a lot of your understanding of photography was wrong, it isn’t your fault… it’s smartphone marketing that tricked you… Lots and lots of BS marketing
My smartphone is always in my pocket
Yes but Milky Way isn’t a random shoot, you need to prepare for it in advance, as an advanced photographer will for all types of photography, not only astrophotography. You need a tripod!!!
600$ Smartphone VS 350$ Camera

The Smartphone loses badly… less dynamic range, more noise, sharpness is non-exinting…
I love to use my smartphone to take photos, heck I love to make tutorials about smartphone photography! But I can’t really say to invest in a Smartphone when I know that the alternative is way better! A cheaper camera will give you more work, but better results! Results that you will be proud to post and print!